The Fishy - Grimsby Town FC

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Is football a business or a sport?

2021-2022 POM
2021-2022 POM

2021-2022 Predict-O-Meter (POM)

By: Rob Sedgwick
Date: 12/08/2021 (Last updated: 03/11/2021)

The Fishy's POM or "Predict-O-Meter", a simple and yet fun toy where you can try and pit your wits against fellow football fans around the world, has returned.

The rules are fairly straightforward. For every game you have to provide a number of predictions including:

  • The number of goals that each team will score (2 items)
  • The first goal scorer (for Grimsby).
  • The half time score
  • The crowd

Don't worry if you don't know all the players' names. All the squad members are provided throughout the season and just need to nominate a single player from a list of names.

As an added incentive, the winner of the 2021-2022 POM will receive a £100 club shop voucher. There will also be four additional prizes of £25 in club vouchers for the winning total every two months (i.e. August and September, October and November, December and January, February and March), and a further £50 club shop voucher for the leader of the 1st division on Xmas Day.

Select the POM table to view from the list below:

Select one of the main POM pages:

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